Initial Prefix Addition
Obama investigation of Northern Lights. The more to do lefts anti-Israel bidding!
The final feature added is the ability to provide an initial prefix. This lets you somewhat guide the output that gets generated. If you want a quote about Obama, just set “Obama” as your initial prefix and let it go. Now everything will start with “Obama”.
Of course, it only works if there’s a prefix match for what you type. If your initial prefix isn’t present, you’ll get nothing.
Obama Dept. of freedom and attacking neighboring states. Support Clint’s Moneyblast. Follow theblaze for our unwillingness to keep BLACK Tea Party racist?
Obama lecture 2 thousand more secure, and to common sense also open mind like you are right to our values. I wish I received $18 million for O N word “freedom” is that if not ride bikes. No explanation necessary.
Bush admin did last 30 – watch full video, audio from the sack tapping!
Bush brigades. Soon after ESPN’S Sunday 530 pm.
I think the unthinkable. Imagine no one has worked harder than they were designed to stimulate the economy will face layoffs.
I think it’s fair to say thanks, but I don’t believe we can stimulate investment in order because day by day democracy is less free than pure communism–and yet we stand shoulder to shoulder in support of the oil spill, my family & I understand your concerns.
I think you are losing on facts to policy/economics question? i thought so.
And the best one so far…
I think Dancing Queen by ABBA is the Soviet Union.
September 6, 2010 No Comments
Punctuation Problems.
We’ll smother under Obama’s new”pro-drilling”msg
Twitter seems to bring out some creative punctuation in people. The worst part is the lack of spaces. Spaces are what I’m breaking words on, so when spaces are missing, I get crazy long words. And when I get crazy long words, I get a lack of choices. And when I get a lack of choices, I get direct quotes back out. And I don’t want direct quotes. However, I don’t want to remove punctuation, because it’s important.
Choices…Â Choices…
September 6, 2010 No Comments
Can’t Quite Tell the Difference…
Typical me,unable 2 insolvency?Silly Senator,glad theres competition
Amazing. We continue to be! USA!
We’re baking you can see…
Wow,media goofballs rearing heads this wk,big time!Wonder what’s up?Taking the cake:ink re:Bristol=a diva? Silly;obviously have nvr met her
Had a look at Belmont. The paperback of my remarks:
@HeyTammyBruce what’s your soul. You shall remember your kids like ANWR? Now do w Obamacare provision rejection; stunning message to have nvr met her voice,America!
What is the Republican Party up to in Alaska? Weird?: This is odd. See below. I lifted this paragraph…
Tennessee primary victory today, Ronald Reagan Revolution;w/out it stabs hearts. Pls reject it we’d be enlightening,we’re sure.
Some are real. Some are not. You decide.
By the way, the way to get older Tweets was to use the user’s “Timeline”, instead of the search.
September 6, 2010 No Comments
Fatal Error: ‘happy place’ Not Found
Fatal Error: ‘happy place’ Not Found
User Stability Corruption Detected.
Details Follow:
Secondly, what are the two last ways. An apprentice is scarce capable of being told by Ulloa, was, not many years of the rest of the goods of equal quantities of labour than the prices of things in ancient times. The ordinary average price of his lands which are not very well be supposed five hundred pounds stock is necessarily hurtful to the assistance of a bloody century plagued by a more extensive ones than they are gone, the number and value of silver, Tower weight, and something was wrong came when the chief magistrate of any particular country promoted by the piece.
Well, it’s true, Lebanon is a clog which, for the beginning were probably in those countries, such as would in this case, would still be some very loose, and, therefore, more disposed to represent it as equally upon people of good credit at three. The wages of common currency. A thousand guilders of Amsterdam brought from the hands of a revenue; from maintaining so great a public teacher; but the meaning of the causes of the colonies, to which it can maintain. A large share of the whole value of that part which, though sometimes violent and very independently, but must overflow. One million we have cut the use requires. Were they ever oppress it. But in this respect, as well as a very important passageway for our men are fond of calling parliaments, and of surmounting a hundred and four pence in the payment of certain goods, would diminish very much upon the stocks, which they expect their fortune, if one may say so, the employment of such debts only as an assignment, from the confidence of their own expense, or at most a hundred people (for some of the United States. They shall in any Department or Officer thereof.
Secondly, The monopoly of their industry. Were there no public institutions and those who are generally as cheap, and gold still seldomer. But though it could not afford this large interest. The banker, who gives him a certain number of independent newspapers, prefer government to raise their price may very safely be trusted entirely to decay. Of the Advantages which Europe has been accustomed to consider themselves as the poor and beggarly, pretty much in arrear to their jurisdiction.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet.
September 5, 2010 No Comments
Late Start on Day 3.
Our automobile industry has overhauled assembly lines, increased worker productivity, and is less than half of what happened yesterday and what’ll happen tomorrow.
Many apologies. I’d hoped to have started on this around 5-ish, but failed to do so. Oh well.
When I left off yesterday, I’d redone the UI for the Echo Chamber application, and set it up to support multiple separate indexers.
It is now the time to turn to Twitter. I need to start scraping tweets and feeding them into the system. That is, after all, the core idea behind the project… You can only go so far chopping up Reagan speeches and splicing in bits of the Kama Sutra, after all. ((Good evening. Usually, I talk of tax cuts, I’m reminded that the advances on the threshold of a number of military production is putting a heavy strain on the human heart, called upon now to resolve that the man should touch her private parts, should loosen her girdle and the man whose business it is called the “inside pressing.”))
API, here I come!
September 5, 2010 No Comments
Middle East Peace Process FTW
Israel agreed to negotiate a major agreement with Israel. That’s another accomplishment of this nation.
September 5, 2010 No Comments
Three’s a Crowd
As I expected, a prefix length of three is too long for general use. In most cases, when I generate a string of text, what comes out is a direct quote.
Although, something tells me that Reagan never actually said this:
Tonight America is stronger because of the way it tears at our lives and because it’s aimed at destroying the brightness and life of the sons and daughters of the United States.
or this
You know, Abe Lincoln, the day after his election to the presidency, gathered in his office the newsmen who had been bringing ruin down on Beirut.
Still, the occasional flashes of brilliance are too rare to be useful. I think I’m going to stick to lengths 1 and 2 most of the time.
September 4, 2010 No Comments
No. Seriously. I have to stop playing with this now.
Our next major undertaking must be for a society where productive forces are hampered by political ones.
September 4, 2010 No Comments
Just… Can’t… Stop…
We come to you not simply to quit using illegal drugs. We seek to create a previously undreamed of prosperity and stable growth by the President does indeed want the new patriotism. This national feeling is good, but it is that America is stronger because of the marines, you know those words are a nation that the Soviet Union built 4 new classes of ICBM’s, and upgraded these eight times As a result, their missiles are much more powerful and accurate than they are. It’s up to us as a major modernization program to go forward with a 10,000-foot runway.
September 4, 2010 No Comments
Merge Carefully…
And to do this will take away the dream of freedom and democracy as rapidly as possible in America.
When I was first thinking about generating quotes from multiple sources, I had thought that I might have to rewrite the generator to handle multiple tables, querying each one in serial. But then it hit me: Why not just merge the tables themselves ahead of time? Create a single, merged table, then query that.
We shall see if that’s successful, but first, I have to add more management stuff to the UI, so I can handle multiple sources.
Part of the present Administration seems to have been engaged in an incubator, feeding tubes riddling his tiny body. He needs a respirator to breathe and a daily spinal tap to relieve fluid buildup on his brain.
September 4, 2010 No Comments