Initial Prefix Addition
Obama investigation of Northern Lights. The more to do lefts anti-Israel bidding!
The final feature added is the ability to provide an initial prefix. This lets you somewhat guide the output that gets generated. If you want a quote about Obama, just set “Obama” as your initial prefix and let it go. Now everything will start with “Obama”.
Of course, it only works if there’s a prefix match for what you type. If your initial prefix isn’t present, you’ll get nothing.
Obama Dept. of freedom and attacking neighboring states. Support Clint’s Moneyblast. Follow theblaze for our unwillingness to keep BLACK Tea Party racist?
Obama lecture 2 thousand more secure, and to common sense also open mind like you are right to our values. I wish I received $18 million for O N word “freedom” is that if not ride bikes. No explanation necessary.
Bush admin did last 30 – watch full video, audio from the sack tapping!
Bush brigades. Soon after ESPN’S Sunday 530 pm.
I think the unthinkable. Imagine no one has worked harder than they were designed to stimulate the economy will face layoffs.
I think it’s fair to say thanks, but I don’t believe we can stimulate investment in order because day by day democracy is less free than pure communism–and yet we stand shoulder to shoulder in support of the oil spill, my family & I understand your concerns.
I think you are losing on facts to policy/economics question? i thought so.
And the best one so far…
I think Dancing Queen by ABBA is the Soviet Union.
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