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“Could not convert the Twitter API response to List`1”

So, I tried to use the TweetSharp wrapper to grab the list of people that EccoChamber is following.  Instead of getting a list of twits, I got this error:

“Could not convert the Twitter API response to List`1”

Looks like something’s unhappy.  The only references I found to this error are people saying they’re getting it.  No solutions.  So, I had to work around the problem by hardcoding mylist of twits.

Now, while trying to grab the tweets of the twits, I get this error:

“TweetSharp.TweetSharpException: Twitter returned an API error but TweetSharp was unable to parse it.”

No other information.  No dump of the response.  Maybe I’d be able to parse the error, you know.  But nope.  Just that error.

Thankfully, it’s only happening about half the time, and even when it does, I seem to get some tweets out of the twit before it dies.  It looks like I’m getting enough to play with, anyway.


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