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The Game Part 1: Visualization

That’s the game.  Those are the elements I need to recognize and react to.  I’m going to need to find the bombs, find the buckets, and find the bomber.

I could try to do this in pretty much the same way that I did for Pong, but that was a bit hacky and prone to failure.  I’d like to learn a bit more about some of the object detection and recognition features in OpenCV, and see if there’s some way for it to identify the components directly, instead of just assuming that different boxes are different parts of the playing field.  I played with some of that on the Wesley Crusher thing, but that was using ready-made classifiers.  This time I’ll have to do it from scratch and see what happens.

At any rate, the game playing logic should be easier this time around.  I don’t have to deal with bouncing balls and linear regression and all of that.  The bomb tracking should be failry straightforward.

Anyway, time to break out the OpenCV.


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