A Little Light Reading
For those playing the home game, here’s some of the sites with examples that I’ve been using:
OpenCV Face Detection: http://nashruddin.com/OpenCV_Face_Detection This brief post shows how to use the Face Detection stuff in OpenCV. It’s a bit clearer than the example on the OpenCV site.
Implementing Eigenface: http://www.cognotics.com/opencv/servo_2007_series/part_5/index.html This is a detailed article on recognizing faces using OpenCV, including explaining how some of the algorithms work. Some of the information here is what makes me think that my initial stab at recognition is doomed to failure.
And, of course:
OpenCV: http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/Welcome
OpenCVSharp: http://code.google.com/p/opencvsharp/
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