MN Utility Investors mtg in St. Cloud was full of people concerned raising the dividend tax would hurt job-growth; Congress can do better. Medical device Co’s in MN employ 10k ppl & save lives. Owners in St. Cloud today told me how new regs & taxes would hurt their industry. Congratulations to Samantha Greeney-Hamlin for earning the Congressional Award, a Silver Star for setting and achieving her goals. I just finished a great meeting with NFIB members in St. Cloud on ways to grow and recover our economy. Congratulations to Katie Miron, of Hugo, upon being named the Princess Kay of the Milky Way! http: //tiny. cc/olxer Do lawmakers remember the freedoms intended for us by the founding fathers? http: //tiny. cc/myju8 tcot Credit card rates have risen to their highest point in nine years: http: //tiny. cc/4s6dy tcot As U. S. combat troops depart Iraq, we thank them for their selfless service to our great nation. Employees will shoulder health care cost hikes in 2011: http: //tiny. cc/djsl7 tcot Could your tax dollars go to a union bailout? http: //tiny. cc/w65b0 tcot Up next: small business roundtable in Elk River. Thanks to Zylstra Harley-Davidson for hosting and the Elk River Chamber for organizing. This morning I spoke with job providers at Ultra Machining Company, Inc. on how to create more jobs in Monticello. Go to www. americaspeakingout. com to view my video message and speak out about bringing transparency to government spending obligations. Time to get spending under control because doubling taxes shouldn't even be an option: http: //tiny. cc/toh0j tcot Watch Fox Business at 7: 00 PM Eastern as I’ll explain why I voted “no” today to another $26 billion bailout. tcot. Why Speaker Pelosi really called members back to DC this week to vote: http: //tiny. cc/jdmkv tcot An Irrational Ruling in California: http: //tiny. cc/0f90k tcot Speaker Pelosi Needs to Get Her Spending Addiction Under Control http: //tiny. cc/7idsj tcot Read more about the Obamacare ad campaign featuring Andy Griffith you’re footing the bill for: http: //tiny. cc/getu2 tcot RT USASpeakingOut Dems plan largest tax hike in history, RepMikePence wants to stop them bc we need jobs. VOTE http: //ow. ly/2jMYh District work period - a time for representatives to experience life alongside constituents & hear their concerns http: //tiny. cc/4x3uf tcot Democrats miss the mark with their latest messaging strategy: http: //tiny. cc/atlmr tcot teaparty New Financial Regulation Law exempts SEC from Transparency Measures http: //tiny. cc/jcj7n tcot Three of my amendments to limit the size and scope of the Internet Gambling bill passed in Financial Services Committee today. tcot My amendment to HR2267 just passed in Financial Services Committee blocking the marketing of online gambling to minors. tcot Second Tea Party Caucus meeting is underway on Capitol Hill. tcot Obama appointed Donald Berwick to administer Medicare & Medicaid. Here’s what a recess appointment gets us: http: //tiny. cc/mw53p tcot Back in D. C. for a busy week of markups in Financial Services Committee and numerous votes ahead on the House floor. Palestine Liberation Organization now can fly their flag in the US with permission from the Obama Administration. http: //tiny. cc/zczgt tcot Tune in to Fox News tonight at 10 ET as I’m in-studio with Greta Van Susteren regarding the Tea Party Caucus. tcot First Tea Party Caucus meeting very successful; now doing a press conference about it. tcot I'll be doing America's Newsroom at 9: 30 on Fox to talk about the new Tea Party Caucus Bright and early tomorrow morning I'll be on Good Morning America. Be sure to tune in around 7! Just got word that the Committee on House Administration officially approved the House Tea Party Caucus tcot RT GOPConference As Obama’s economic and spending agenda fails, the US lags far behind other nations in creating jobs http: //bit. ly/9nwD29 RT gopconference Poll: 68% of small business owners say the govt's regulations hurt the economy and job creation. http: //bit. ly/c3mN5K I applaud Rand Paul and look forward to bringing the Tea Party to the House! Oil rigs float overseas taking job opportunities with them. http: //tiny. cc/zpmgc tcot Just sitting down to talk with Esme Murphy on WCCO. Effects of ObamaCare on the restaurant industry http: //bit. ly/9wpbeT tcot Visited Rice Building Systems in Sauk Rapids; now heading to Viking Coca Cola in St. Cloud for a plant tour. Finished coffee and conversation with the Paynesville Chamber at Queen Bee Restaurant, now heading to tour Coburn's, Inc. in St. Cloud. If it's a national responsibility, the federal government should start acting responsibly and secure the border http: //tiny. cc/ug9hy tcot More controversy from ACORN reported by Washtimes http: //tiny. cc/183p6 tcot God bless our great nation. Wishing all Americans a safe and happy Independence Day! Minnesotan Bob Walker is leading the way with new technology in the clean-coal energy field http: //tiny. cc/s8klf tcot Democrats Pass a Budget That's Not Really a Budget http: //tiny. cc/4wrct tcot Check out my idea on AmericaSpeakingOut urging Democrats to allow the use of Skype to interact with constituents http: //tinyurl. com/29yncfe I'll be on oreillyfactor tonight with guest host Laura Ingraham around 8: 30pm ET/7: 30pm CT About to vote on the Democrats' latest Wall Street Bailout Bill http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v = 4vdfaBSS-qw tcot I'll be on Fox Business at 6: 15 ET/5: 15 CT to talk about Financial Regulatory Reform. Let me know what you think about my Skype idea I just posted USASpeakingOut http: //tiny. cc/v7u99 Check out this GOPconference Video http: //www. gop. gov/media/features/10/06/28/breaking-news Next Up, Financial Reform http: //townhall. com/blog/g/586cc4cd-fcac-497f-950a-eead2b081895 Democrats fail “the most basic responsibility of governing” http: //tiny. cc/hd9vj tcot BP Fund Needs to be Used to Pay Victims http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v = Qkz1buvn6zk tcot I'll be on CNN tonight with John King to talk about the President's actions regarding the Gulf oil spill. Tune in at 7: 15pm ET/6: 15pm CT Tune into America's Nightly Scoreboard on Fox Business at 7pm ET/6pm CT. I'll be previewing the President's speech on the gulf oil spill Tune in tonight for an interesting segment from Griff Jenkins at the US/ Mexican border, On The Record with gretawire at10: 30pm! Big Government: Will our money go to Hamas? http: //biggovernment. com/mbachmann/2010/06/11/will-our-money-go-to-hamas/ tcot Sources: Obama Administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN Next Week http: //shar. es/mANF2 The POTUS wants to send $400 million in aid to the Gaza Strip controlled by the terrorist organization Hamas? It makes no sense! tcot Tonight I'll be on America's Nightly Scoreboard on Fox Business at 7pm ET/ 6pm CT to talk about Gaza and the Sanctions on Iran So much for transparency! http: //article. nationalreview. com/435965/barney-frank-ducks-c-span/stephen-spruiell RepPaulBrounMD Thanks for doing this Dr. Broun! The President's PR stunt today can't fix this fundamentally flawed health care bill. I'm speaking at a Pro-Israel Rally today; we need to show support for the strongest partner we have in the middle east. Helen Thomas' beliefs out of touch with American people; she cannot continue to report objectively on this admin. http: //bit. ly/byIchr Calling into Your World with Neil Cavuto in a few minutes to talk job numbers Had a great day mtg with Stillwater & Forest Lake Chambers, NFIB as well as Purple Heart recipient Command Sergeant Major Lawrence Stenger! Open Season: Trial Lawyers Ready to Jump Into the Oil Spill. . . http: //bit. ly/cEW9Ne The Obama Administration needs to stand strong with Israel http: //www. politico. com/news/stories/0610/38009. html tcot It's imperative that the United States stand strong with our ally, Israel. http: //bit. ly/aXeRM9 Today we honor the memory of our brave men and women who have given everything in defense of our country. Thank you for your service. Business as usual this afternoon in Washington, D. C. http: //www. youtube. com/user/RepMicheleBachmann House Dems vote to table the YouCut bill that would eliminate the $1. 4% federal employee pay raise and freeze Congressmens salaries tcot Dems are in a bind and cant decide whether they will vote to cut spending today by eliminating federal pay raises http: //tiny. cc/bg480 tcot Today Congress can choose to stand with the taxpayer and cut spending. Your YouCut proposal comes to the floor for a vote! Stay tuned. . . PointofViewRTS Thanks for having me on! ! ! thehill reports Dems are scrambling for something to cut. How about this week's YouCut winner to eliminate the federal employee pay raise? House GOP announces a new initiative this morning: America Speaking Out http: //www. americaspeakingout. com/ tcot speakingout Who is more clueless. . . Greece or Congress? http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v = MP6sWvHKLOc I'll be on the Point of View Radio Talk Show today at 3pm ET/2pm CT. Tune in if you can! http: //www. pointofview. net/site/PageServer GOPWhip RepTomPrice Jim_Jordan announce YouCut winner to eliminate a $2. 5 billion Non-Reformed Welfare Program http: //tinyurl. com/23st9bm tokm Great way to put it! nobailouts caginwa CBO says within ten years America’s debt will reach 90% of our nation’s GDP. Greece has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 112. 5 %. nobailouts Thanks for putting this chat together cathymcmorris nobailouts The National Federation of Independent Business are filing a suit against ObamaCare http: //tiny. cc/mwpgl tcot Medical Device Manufacturers Taking a Hit http: //tinyurl. com/23vvufw tcot All About the Bailouts…Foreign and Domestic http: //tiny. cc/e359b tcot Get your wallets out. Fannie Mae requests $8. 4 billion in more government funding after already reporting a loss of $13 billion in 2010. Heading to St. Cloud for the first of four job forums today! http: //bachmann. house. gov/UploadedFiles/bachmann-JobsForum. pdf Thanks to all the wives and husbands who support and stand by our troops’ today- Military Spouse Day- and every day! Congratulations to 2010 St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce Award recipients Kip Cameron, D. J. Bitzan Jewelers and Midsota Plastic Surgeons! GOP Remains United Against Permanent Bailouts http: //townhall. com/blog/g/de88c28b-10de-40d1-87d4-0e519ba7e595 tcot Today I'm proud to announce I received the Spirit of Enterprise award from the U. S. Chamber of Commerce http: //tiny. cc/1u76b tcot Health Care Costs on the Rise http: //townhall. com/blog/g/103eb914-1b24-489e-bd31-b18c50824795 tcot To learn more about the Dems Permanent Wall Street Bailout, heritage has highlighted 14 fatal flaws of the plan http: //tinyurl. com/2a6sppx Not so fast! Obama still considering the value-added tax! http: //news. yahoo. com/s/ap/20100421/ap_on_bi_ge/us_obama_tax Here's a clip from the Defending the National Day of Prayer Press Conference from this afternoon http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v = ZzLwD1AZfWU Taking part in a press conference at 1pm responding to a Federal Judge ruling the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional tcot This evening I'll be doing a short interview on Fox Business Happy Hour at 5: 30pm ET/4: 30 CT. Heading back to DC! I'll be on Hannity tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT. If you're able, I hope you tune in! ! I'll be on America's Nightly Scoreboard on Fox Business tonight around 7pm ET to talk about the Tax Day Tea Parties. I hope you can tune in! There's still too much pork in Washington, DC. http: //www. youtube. com/user/RepMicheleBachmannp/a/u/0/_QHSEhdT6-w Welcome Home to the men and women of Minnesota's 34th Red Bull Infantry Division! I'll be on CNN Newsroom today with Ali Velshi at 1: 30ET. Hope you can tune in! A great tribute! I encourage everyone to listen and continue to support our troops! Thank you mrjondavid http: //bit. ly/9vBUnS On CBS' Face the Nation this morning at 10: 30 am ET Check out a timeline of when the major items in the Democrats' health care bill go into effect http: //tiny. cc/ps75u I'll be on Hannity tonight on Fox News at 9pm ET to talk about the latest on the health care debate. Fidel Castro endorses Obama's health care plan. I'm sure the White House press shop is excited about that. . . http: //tinyurl. com/yhp3rwz This afternoon I introduced legislation to repeal the Democrats' government takeover of health care. http: //tinyurl. com/ykq5sut Congress Ignores the American People and Passes Health Care Overhaul http: //bachmann. house. gov/News/DocumentSingle. aspx? DocumentID = 177561 Talking with Bill O'Reilly around 8: 25pm ET tonight regarding health care. Be sure to tune in! Unless a deal is struck with Stupak, Dems appear to be short on votes http: //tinyurl. com/yff983o The Democrats health care bill has 12 different taxes that break Obama’s pledge to not raise taxes on families making less than $250k a year The health care bill costs $1. 2 trillion between 2010 and 2020 and doesn’t even kick in until 2014. The cost is really for just five years The federal government will run up a $1. 5 trillion deficit this year—11 times the ten-year savings Democrats claim are in the bill The IRS could hire as many as 16, 500 additional auditors and agents to investigate and collect billions in new taxes http: //bit. ly/9YkxlZ On Glenn Beck today to talk health care. Tune in at 5pm ET if you can! Please welcome MNNationalGuard to Twitter! Thank you for your service! The Democrats' health care bill is great news for the IRS http: //tiny. cc/1tRv6 WSJ. com - Opinion: The House Health-Care Vote and the Constitution http: //on. wsj. com/9erTQQ Great piece! Will Abortion Funding Decide the Fate of Health Care? http: //townhall. com/blog/g/abb6f2cf-0a2e-44e7-af1a-03dac00b1fc1 Talking health care tonight on Larry King Live: 9pmET/8pmCT Be sure to tune in! The EPA's Backdoor National Energy Tax http: //townhall. com/blog/g/b16770f7-30fc-49f4-a237-9134cfb8dc85 My commitment is to get our nation's fiscal house in order for future generations of Americans RSC On the O'Reilly Factor tonight to discuss today's White House Health Care Summit. Be sure to tune in at 8pmET/7pmCT Here's what I think about today's Health Care Summit http: //bachmann. house. gov/News/DocumentSingle. aspx? DocumentID = 173659 If this turns out to be the case, then what's the point of today's summit? http: //www. politico. com/news/stories/0210/33510. html hcrsummit What are some of the GOP Health Care Solutions? Here are 70 of them the RSC has compiled: http: //tiny. cc/zsc3v ACORN Gives Itself a Makeover http: //townhall. com/blog/g/fbc9c4a5-a29f-4f04-b03a-267835f56e15 Excited to be speaking at CPAC this afternoon! Today's the one year anniversary of the so-called stimulus package. Was it worth the $862 billion? Democrats will Implement Trick to Pass Health Care Reform http: //townhall. com/blog/g/f585a1fb-f302-4e52-8d5e-b629b4963a89 Be sure to wear Red today to raise awareness of heart disease in women! http: //www. goredforwomen. org/national_wear_red_day. aspx Listen to the Democrats cheer after they pass a $1. 9 trillion debt limit increase http: //tiny. cc/fxL9D They couldn't be further out of touch Now They Want to Stop Spending? http: //townhall. com/blog/g/c45c563a-459e-42f8-8e88-66fc1ccb378b Will the Senate increase our nation's debt limit today from $12. 4 trillion to $14. 3 trillion? http: //tiny. cc/DixBD The Washington Times did a great editorial about the looming Marriage Penalty tax in the Democrats health care bills http: //tiny. cc/SWD3c Stimulus is not creating jobs. http: //townhall. com/blog/g/e5d39719-82a3-4c9d-8129-5343e8e38de5 Congress Can Stop the KSM Trial http: //article. nationalreview. com/? q = NTMzYmVmNjU1Mjk0ZTExNWVjYWU0N2ViMGEyNDBkYmI = Middle Class Tax Hikes on the Way? http: //townhall. com/blog/g/2567a90f-58ed-4563-b98a-f358db0e11c9 CSPAN has sent a letter to House and Senate leaders asking that negotiations on the health care bill be open to cameras http: //tiny. cc/dKPHG So Much for Transparency http: //townhall. com/blog/g/b1905083-c47f-45f5-b3be-5277bd6300f0 Read my op-ed with Andrew McCarthy: Congress Can Stop the KSM trial http: //tiny. cc/Snp0n GAO to investigate ACORN http: //www. politico. com/news/stories/1209/30742. html What's the point of having a debt limit if we just keep raising it? http: //online. wsj. com/article/SB126099939736594429. html Thank you all for making this Serving Our Troops event a huge success and enjoy the meal! servingourtroops Spend our way out of this recession Mr. President? We don't have any money left to spend! http: //tiny. cc/re7YF No Senator Reid. It's Just Bad Legislation http: //townhall. com/blog/g/2d0763e2-8694-4f7b-8d19-d8d4aa2b1278 Talk about a carbon footprint. Copenhagen climate summit brings with it 1, 200 limos and 140 private planes. http: //tiny. cc/kYjCA Dems attack their own stimulus plan. Where are the jobs? http: //thehill. com/homenews/house/70103-growing-dem-attacks-on-the-first-stimulus Have a great Thanksgiving everyone with your family and loved ones! Safe travels. Second Stimulus on the Way http: //townhall. com/blog/g/d436cd17-4265-46c0-9496-f27782b7d379 margaretmonette If you could keep and spend more of your money and not the government, that'd be a good start. RealTinWoodsman Thank you for all that you're doing as well! markskog Tell me about it! Second stimulus in the works? Speaker Pelosi is more than willing to increase the deficit. Enough is enough. http: //tiny. cc/DdBpr A sign of things to come? Read the WSJ Breast Cancer Preview http: //online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424052748704204304574543721253688720. html Great read in the WSJ: The Man Who Predicted the Depression http: //online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424052748704471504574443600711779692. html Honoring our Veterans http: //bit. ly/I9CzM Dems may vote before knowing cost of the health care bill http: //tinyurl. com/yzv4kvb Make a House Call on Congress on Nov 5 at the West Steps of the Capitol http: //bit. ly/16LVwW 10 Facts Everyone Should Know About the Dems 1, 990-Page Health Care Bill http: //bit. ly/1R41UN We Must Get Our Fiscal House in Order http: //bit. ly/wUSfg Word is the Dems will bring their government takeover of health care bill to a vote in the House before Veterans Day. The final push is on. Senate to increase the national debt limit to above $13 trillion! ! ! Not the direction we want to be heading. http: //tiny. cc/IHP9k If you're interested in receiving mobile updates from me, text MN6 to 467468 or visit Bachmann. house. gov and subscribe. Thanks so much! Do we want to increase Medicaid recipients by 22% in Minnesota? http: //tiny. cc/sdsiW US debt set to exceed 100% of GDP in 2011. But Washington wants to keep spending $ we don't have. Somethings gotta give http: //tiny. cc/b5NWl What happened to global warming? Good question from the BBC. http: //news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/science/nature/8299079. stm