I Think It’s Going To Kill Us All…
I think I’d better fix that bug.
Then add a feature to support this mode because it’s so awesome like this…
December 12, 2010 No Comments
Android Launch
December 12, 2010 No Comments
Spot the Problem
My application has crashed. Can you spot the error?
Of course you can’t, because instead of popping up with a very visible “You had an exception!” dialog, the error is playing hide and seek.
It’s actually there, in two places (That I’ve found…).
- In the Variables pane, “e” is a RuntimeException.
- In the log pane, if you scroll up about a hundred lines, you’ll find the same RuntimeException, although all of the useful bits are truncated.
The exception I’m getting is that I didn’t put an android:layout_width attribute on a checkbox element that I’ve added.
December 6, 2010 No Comments
December 6, 2010 No Comments
Punctuation Problems.
We’ll smother under Obama’s new”pro-drilling”msg
Twitter seems to bring out some creative punctuation in people. The worst part is the lack of spaces. Spaces are what I’m breaking words on, so when spaces are missing, I get crazy long words. And when I get crazy long words, I get a lack of choices. And when I get a lack of choices, I get direct quotes back out. And I don’t want direct quotes. However, I don’t want to remove punctuation, because it’s important.
Choices…Â Choices…
September 6, 2010 No Comments
Merge Error
There seems to be another problem with the merging algorithm. Now it’s corrupting the source indexers, causing some of the merged content to end up in the source as well as causing an abnormal number of terminations. Gotta fix that before proceding.
Turns out that I was simply sharing the suffix lists of the first indexer that had a particular prefix with the merged content. The merged content would be fine, but that source indexer would have extra, random terms thrown in. Those random terms, since they weren’t in the original, would cause a lookup error when trying to look up possible suffixes by prefix. That lookup error would cause an early termination.
In other words, bad things happen.
Anyway, should be fixed now.
September 5, 2010 No Comments